Power & Energy: The Best Prospect Industry Sector for Bangladesh

The power and energy sector has achieved significant growth in the high development stage of Bangladesh to meet both the local demand and the demand advancing industries which rely on power and energy. It increased its electricity generation capacity from 5 Gigawatts in 2009 to 21 Gigawatts in 2019, a more than quadruple increase in capacity in a decade. The growth of the economy being one of the highest in Asia, its energy needs are going to increase dramatically in the coming years with plenty of industries that are going to build up in Bangladesh with international industries, such as electronics and engineering, looking at South Asia as their next manufacturing hub. For increasing its power output, the government is also planning on incentivizing energy producers with different tax, logistics and bureaucratic facilities. Large portions of the country are still underexplored for new energy sources. Geologists even say this part of the world is enriched with energy sources, such as the gas reserves in the Bay of Bengal. With significant solar energy reaching the country, the implementation of renewable energy might have a huge impact in the industry. The prospect and opportunities in this industry is seen to be vast.