Spinning, Textile and Garments

Aside from agriculture, the growth of the export division is of great concern to the country. Bangladesh has accelerated and significantly altered its exports from time to time. Jute and Tea were the most export-oriented industries after Bangladesh became established. But the position of the jute sector in the country's economy has deteriorated with the continuing dangers of flooding, decreasing jute fiber prices and a substantial decline in world demand (Spinanger, 1986).

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Md. Adibullah


Md. Adibullah is the Associate Partner of the firm. His experience includes working with Technology, Agro and FMCG industries

Md. AbdusSamad Sarkar

Senior Partner

Md. Abdus Samad Sarkar is a Senior Partner of the firm. In his early life, Mr. Samad provided his service as GM in Bangladesh Bank, serving in the institution for more than three decades.

Md. Akter Hossain Sannamat

Senior Consultant

Mr. Akter is a Senior Consultant of the firm. A man of many talents, he is a FCA and FCS having professional membership in ICAB, ICSB and IIAB.